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Founded by Scott Tarter and Dr. John Abrams, the Dropping Dimes Foundation, Inc. is an Indiana not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The main focus and concern is for the well-being and betterment of former players of the American Basketball Association and their families, who are experiencing financial or medical difficulties and have encountered significant financial hardship or sickness.

After the NBA-ABA Merger, the ABA itself ceased to exist as a going concern. Former ABA players who were not part of the Merger, or who did not play long enough in the NBA to receive vested pension benefits, were generally left in disadvantaged financial circumstances.
Courtesy of Dropping Dimes Foundation

The colorful history of the ABA is almost entirely word-of-mouth, and Remember the ABA website dedicated to preserving this history, and to provide a much needed space for ABA fans to share their favorite memories. This web page is actually a “collaborative” work–all of the photos, uniforms, and memories on this page have been contributed by various ABA fans across the country.
Courtesy of Remember the ABA